Get to know Ashan Madushanka better

Ashan Madushanka is Audit and Accounting Manager at AJC.

We asked him 5 questions to get to know him better.

1. Where do you come from ?

I come from the island country of Sri Lanka, often called the “Pearl of the Indian Ocean.” One distinctive characteristic of Sri Lanka is its stunning beaches and vibrant biodiversity. A cherished memory for me is visiting the ancient city of Sigiriya, where I climbed the Lion Rock and enjoyed breathtaking views of the lush landscape, which is a unique and special experience in Sri Lanka.

2. Why did you move to Port Vila ? 

I moved to Port Vila to gain foreign professional exposure and enhance my career development.

3. What are your favorite hobbies ?

Watching movies, cricket matches, preparing nice foods and traveling.

4. Where do you see yourself in 5 or 10 years ?

In 5 to 10 years, I see myself as a successful and happiest business advisor and entrepreneur, thriving professionally while maintaining a happy family life.

5. What do you like the most in Vanuatu

I love Vanuatu for its friendly people, relaxed lifestyle, and the vibrant mix of multinational residents. It’s also a fantastic place to explore, with stunning travel destinations like pristine beaches, lush forests, and unique cultural sites.

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Professional Profile of Ashan Madushanka